Monday, March 29, 2010

They Say I Say Chapter 9

In chapter nine of They Say I Say, they discussed how "Acedemic Writing Doesn't Mean Setting Aside Your Own Voice", but I say since when? Because everytime I write a paper and I add a little bit of my own flavor into it I get immediatly shut down once it gets peer edited. As soon as I add my own "ness" to it someone comes along and says, "NO COLLOQUIAL!" and crosses it out. It's not just from students either, I get it from T.A. and Teachers too. Heck students wouldn't even know what colloquial statements were unless we were marked down for them time and time again. The funny thing is that all my colloquial statements have never been any more riskay than the examples in this book either, that's what really gets me. Here I am reading a book that tells me that putting a little bit of flavor into my writting is ok and then on the other hand I am being shot down left and right and told to keep it strictly proffesional and scholarly with no flavorful opinions or mildly colloquial statements. Until I am actually promised by a professor that writting mildly colloquial statements in my papers will not result in a bad grade on my paper I will keep writing my papers as scholarly as I possible can.

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