Monday, March 8, 2010

Norman Borlaug'sArticle

Norman Borlaug is obviously a very intelligent man. I mean half the stuff he discussed in his article went right over my head the first time reading it. Now that I think I understand what it is exactly he was discussing I think he has a very good head on his shoulders full of logic. He seems to be on a bio technical stand point for crops, but also respects that some food products even after being genetically modified, are certainly not perfect. I also believe and agree with him for calling out the reporter from Nairobi who used the critics from South Africa and Ethiopia to support his argument that supplies from America for aid are genetically modified so that we can trap them into buying crops from us for now on, but as Mr. Borlaug says these critics have no scientific facts to base these opinions off of. Nothing pisses me off more than when some idiot has a grudge and feels he can just go around making assumption and pointing fingers with out and evidence.

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