Monday, February 15, 2010

They Say, I Say; Chapter 6

Planting a "Naysayer" in you texts proves to be very clever. Nothing like putting your worst critics in their place by addressing the problems they were hoping to point out. One should really try to pick an argument that doesn't need to have too many flaws pointed out though because if your argument is that flawed then maybe should be arguing against the topic, not for it.
I really liked the section on naming your "Naysayers" because it all just seems like a mild way to be as professional as possible while still being a smart ass. haha i love it. The examples they used are all common "Naysayers" as well so maybe that's why this area made me chuckle. "Feminists" haha. But yes, we should also remember that stereotyping hurts and is also unnecessary, so we must refrain from doing so at all times if we wish for our works to be taken seriously. So needless labeling should always be avoided.
This chapter will hopefully prove to be useful in the papers to come and I must admit that it has been quite some time since I have "planted a Naysayer" in my works so I hope I will get the chance real soon. Maybe a research paper in the future?

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